

Antiziganism refers to the systematic discrimination, exclusion and stigmatisation of people belonging to the Sinti and Roma group. This form of discrimination is based on racist prejudices and stereotypes that often lead to negative attitudes and behaviour towards this group. The term encompasses both structural and individual forms of discrimination and has a long history in many European societies. Antiziganism affects the areas of life of the people concerned, especially in the fields of education, work, housing and health.

of the Roma children and young people interviewed had experienced discrimination at school.

Source: Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma (2020)

of the Roma women surveyed in Germany have experienced discrimination in education.

Source: Amaro Foro e.V. (2018)

of Roma and Sinti respondents said that their children had experienced discrimination at school. The discrimination ranges from insults and bullying to discrimination in the awarding of grades and the choice of school.

Source: German Youth Institute

Antiziganism, also known as anti-Gypsyism or anti-Romaism, refers to discrimination against and exclusion of people because of their perceived membership of the Roma and Sinti ethnic group. Antigypsyism is a widespread problem in Germany and manifests itself in many areas of daily life, including the school system.

Recent studies show that learners with Roma or Sinti backgrounds experience discrimination and exclusion at school more often than their non-Roma peers. A study by the German Youth Institute found that 60 per cent of Roma and Sinti respondents say that their children have experienced discrimination at school. The discrimination ranges from insults and bullying to disadvantages in the awarding of grades and the choice of school.

There are also studies that indicate that antiziganist prejudices are already present in children. A study by the Bertelsmann Foundation from 2016 showed that children as young as six years old already displayed stereotypes towards Sinti and Roma. It is therefore important that schools take preventive action at an early stage and inform learners about the history and culture of Sinti and Roma in order to counteract prejudice and discrimination.

It is clear that anti-Gypsy discrimination in schools is a serious problem that needs to be addressed urgently. Schools should ensure that they create a safe and inclusive environment for all learners, regardless of their ethnic origin. By actively addressing antiziganism and raising awareness, schools can help to reduce prejudice and prevent discrimination.

Our project on antiziganism in schools advocates for discrimination-free school education for all learners. Through targeted reflection in our workshops, we want to help reduce prejudice and discrimination against Sinti and Roma in schools.

Our aim is to provide learners with an understanding of the history and culture of Sinti and Roma and to sensitise them to the diverse lifestyles and perspectives of this group. We want to create a school community where all learners feel safe and respected, regardless of their origin or culture. With our project, we want to contribute to ensuring that antiziganism is no longer an issue in schools and that inclusive school education is possible for all children and young people.



If you would like to learn more about our offer, please contact us. We will help you to effectively counteract antiziganism in your school.