Through questions to knowledge

Every problem involves an individuality that prevents a static solution approach. A wide variety of methods and flexibility is therefore necessary to ensure successful problem solving. Our work is reactive and adapts to the respective situation on site in order to deal with it in the best possible way.

The challenge of a pluralistic society is to unite different opinions, beliefs and views without denying its fundamental principle of an open democratic order. It requires extraordinary empathy and a willingness to engage with other people's realities in order to develop tolerance or, in the best case, understanding. We aim not only to establish these values in the recipient, but also to bring them into every dialogue as a basic attitude.

Conventional thought patterns can be broken down and reflected upon in the context of one's own (sub)cultural affiliation by analysing one's own world and encountering contrary models. This is the cornerstone for counteracting rejection of foreign ideals and values and thus opening the door to recognising potential commonalities.

The most sustainable path to change is not one that is imposed from outside, but rather one that we work out for ourselves. We don't lecture anyone about right and wrong, but rather aim to provide impetus through critical confrontation that helps participants to gain new insights. To this end, our concept is based on tried and tested dialogue techniques, above all the Maieutics. This technique helps a person to gain knowledge by asking specific questions and finding out the relevant facts for themselves. Care is always taken not to judge or morally categorise what is said. Rather, the statements should be expressed without judgement in a safe space in order to stimulate an interactive discourse.

An open attitude on the part of the Xtractors in our team and their willingness to question their own reality is fundamental and signals equality. This attitude is reinforced by the inclusion of their own biographical experiences, which are shared in the joint discourse.

No way as the way

We work with creative and interactive methods from aesthetic practice to break up the daily routine and make the shared experience particularly memorable. Particularly worth mentioning here is the Forum Theatrea form of theatre pedagogy that brings conflicts onto the stage in the form of short role plays in order to analyse and resolve them together with the help of the audience. Approaches such as this can be used to playfully gather insights that can subsequently be applied to similar and real situations from everyday life. At the same time, they create a relaxed and informal atmosphere for the community, which, in combination with the Peer approach a "Braver Space" This is a forum in which participants can share their true views and opinions on the topics discussed openly and without hesitation.

Through the integration of Feedback loops we enable participants to engage in a continuous process of reflection. These phases promote sustainable learning processes and help to ensure that the knowledge gained is not only effective in the moment, but also in the long term. This supports development that goes beyond the here and now and stimulates deeper, personal change.

We actively promote the participation and personal responsibility of participants by encouraging them to help shape the learning process. This not only strengthens their sense of self-efficacy, but also their sense of responsibility and their ability to develop solutions independently. This co-creation leads to a deeper understanding of the topics covered and increases their willingness to apply the knowledge gained in their own everyday lives.

These are just some of the many methods we use in our daily work. It is important to mention the informal core of our concept. Individual methods may be applied or implemented in part, but they never represent a universal guideline. Our concept differs from others in that it deliberately breaks with traditional structures. "No way but the way" - informal, flexible and determined by no one but oneself.


If you would like to learn more about our methods, please contact us. We will be happy to answer all your questions about our concept.